Friday, July 6, 2012


Marvel (2012, July 06) Iron Man 3 Concept Art Featuress Cornered Robert Downey Jr. TheHDroom. from:


The artwork at Iron Man 3 made by Robert Doenwy have satisfy a lot of expert people. Ryan and Doenwy together made this incredible work because it tells so much in so little (Marvel, 2012). Technology will figure heavily in the plot, for sure. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Pan (2012) said  "Video games make up a large industry in today's economy. The electronic arts industry is estimated to be worth over $50 billion worldwide" (p. 33).


Walker,R. (2000) Frakenfood. Pasadena,CA: Ross Publishers

Monday, July 2, 2012


I`m a high school student in a Brazilian school, who wants to be a lawyer. Actually, I`m not really sure about what I`m going to do, I only know I have a big dream of traveling around the world and I`m going to realize this dream anyway.
In college (probably studying to be a lawyer) I pretend to have fun as much as I can,  without forgetting the importance of the studies in my life and how they can affect my future in all the ways I can imagine. My truly motivation to study is the dream I just wrote about (traveling). When I decide to do something, I give my best and this will help in the college. Besides this, I also have a lot of hobbies, such as read as much books as I can (about everything) and practice sports.
Here are some photos and texts about my travelling in California (a step in my dream and a chance to improve English)